The Menu: Beach Snacks Part 2
The reason last week's post on beach snacks was a "Part 1" is because the beach is not just home to delicious snacks you can eat ON the beach, but it is also the home of certain delicacies that seem meant for eating specifically AT the beach.
BEHOLD, my favorite Ocean Shitty treats:
Courtesy of Thrasher's.
If someone put a gun to my head and made me pick a favorite food, it would be french fries by far and away. Thrasher's, abundant along the boardwalks of the Eastern Shore, are the perfect ratio of soggy to crispy, salty to starchy. When I went to MICA Camp last year with Jen, I witnessed some youths on the Rehoboth boardwalk harassing a Thrasher's employee for some ketchup. He explained they had no ketchup because Thrasher's should not be desecrated with such savagery (my words, not his). They were appalled that a french fry shop had no ketchup, but I was appalled at their literal poor taste. Thrasher's are perfection on their own.
Not actually from Kohr Bros., but you get the idea.
OK, of course you can get soft serve away from the beach, but nothing is really better than following up your fries with a full-fat, all-sugar-added chocolate vanilla twist, amirite?
Courtesy of Candy Kitchen.
Alright if I'm being completely honest, I don't know why I EVER did this to myself (or occasionally continue to do this to myself). Truth be told, saltwater taffy just isn't good. The flavors The texture inevitably gets stuck in your teeth. And it's just weird. Why do we buy it from Candy Kitchen? There is a Candy Kitchen on every other block at the beach and they have ALL the candy, but yet...there's something inexplicably beachy about shitty saltwater taffy. Is it even actually made with saltwater? Maybe that's why it tastes like ass.
Courtesy of Fisher's Popcorn
Something that definitely doesn't taste like ass though is Fisher's Popcorn. You can only get it at the beach (or online I guess, but then it's less novel). I guess it also comes in different flavors now, but the all-time classic is caramel. I'm not even a huge caramel person in general, but this shit is crack.
Fuck yes.
There is actually nothing better than a crab feast after a day of sun and sand. There are no shortage of places where you can get crabs in OCMD, but I recommend Higgins because with your crabs will come face-stuffing delights like fried chicken, french fries, steamed shrimp, corn on the cob and god knows what else. Beer too obvi.
Courtesy of Grotto Pizza.
When my parents took me and my brother to the beach growing up, it was a given that one evening on the trip, we would drive into Delaware to get Grotto Pizza. It was THE BEST. When I look back, I am pretty sure it was the best pizza I had ever eaten, and I was so pleased about the novelty of birch beer (instead of root beer...??). Now there are locations in Ocean City proper, and I haven't been to any Grottos in years. I am hesitant that if I go back it won't be the pizza wonderland I remember so fondly. Instead it'll be like when you return to your elementary school cafeteria to vote and it is SO MUCH SMALLER than you remember it being.
So East Coasters, any OCMD cuisine I missed?