The Playlist: True Madrileños Love a Little Clapton
One of my oldest friends got married this weekend, and during the reception, Carly told me she remembered at her wedding last year, how a song she had never heard would be played and she'd look over at me, and I'd be rapping all the words perfectly. (And if you've seen my Dubsmash videos on Instagram, you know this to be true.)
This is not unlike how when Jen and I were in the back of a cab in Madrid, some terrible-sounding 90s song came on, and Jen was like "I know this one!" and started belting out the chorus. "It's totally Michael Bolton," she said.
As it turns out, it's "My Father's Eyes," and it's by Eric Clapton. I don't hold the mistake against her (even though Michael Bolton is a no-talent ass clown), considering when we landed in Madrid and I texted my parents to let them know we arrived safely, I included the Chinese flag emoji, which I figured was Spain since it had red and yellow.
Anyway, as in Lisbon, the music we overheard in place to place was random and hilarious, and I started keeping a list for playlist purposes. Of course we saw flamenco, and it was frankly far cooler than what we saw in Barcelona. So to honor that tradition, I've included some flamenco on the playlist.
Flamenco got me like "bitch please."
But aside from flamenco, the musical stylings of the Madrileños was deliciously arbitrary, and as it happens, does not include Mr. Bolton whatsoever. Enjoy!