Washington D.C.: Cherry Blossoms

This past weekend I Amtrak'd my way down to DC and miraculously managed to avoid a derailment. (Seriously, Amtrak, GET IT TOGETHER.) I was in town to run the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler with my family, which ended up turning into a 5K because the weather hates me. It was 80 degrees when I arrived and 75 when I left, but for some reason, race day was 20 degrees with 60 mph wind gusts -- they canceled part of the race and removed water, volunteers, and mile markers from the course. With safety in mind, we opted for the 5K instead. I'll have you know that didn't stop us from going to brunch and eating as if we ran 10. #Can'tStopWon'tStop

Before race day, my brother Matt and his girlfriend Dom took me around to see what was left of the cherry blossoms and a great sunset view of the Iwo Jima Memorial. They also took me to the coolest bar I've ever seen -- Jack Rose. The place is set up like a library, complete with wall to wall obscure whiskeys with ladders for access. If you find yourself in DC anytime soon, head that way fast, order up a flight, and ask their resident whiskey expert for recommendations. You won't be disappointed. 



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