The Packing List: NYC Half Marathon 2017
Well look at that. My packing list for this coming *spring* weekend in NYC isn't all that different from my packing list of a month ago for Deep Creek Lake.
For Baltimore and New York, the predicted Stella snow totals quickly fizzled out and instead turned into a sheet of icy misery. But as I mentioned yesterday, the forecast for Sunday remains arctic.
Naturally, I'd like to break my personal record which I set during last year's NYC Half -- the one I set at a cost. As soon as I stopped moving, I started shaking. Like...violently. I wasn't hungry but racers extraordinaire Steph and Subway told me I was bonking -- the mix of the cold and energy output meant my muscles were totally depleted.
I forced down some pretzels. Still cold. I took a hot shower. The shaking continued. I didn't feel better until I ate a full meal. It was worth it for the PR, but this year I am trying to think about a better clothing plan. I don't want to overheat, but I don't think I want to be that ever again.
So I'm bringing a pair of thick running leggings, ear warmers, a fleece pullover, and of course -- my trusty running shoes and smartwatch. After my phone's GPS told me I ran a minute in one mile during last year's race, I invested a couple months later in this shmancy Garmin watch to train for the Chicago Marathon.
Any other tips for cold-weather running? ::shakes fist at weather gods and groundhog::
P.S. Click on the pics for buying info!