The Playlist: Staci's NYC Half Jams
I'm not going to lie. I'm annoyed AF right now.
Seriously, fuck March on the East Coast. I mean, I love March since it gives me an excuse to celebrate me, but I'm pretty over the unpredictable weather. A week ago, I went on a training run in a tank top, and this past weekend, it was back to layers upon layers and a numb fucking face.
No matter what, I'd be annoyed at this sudden outburst of winter once I had made my mental switch to spring, but I'm extra annoyed because this time next week, Jen and I will have run the New York City Half Marathon (my second time and Jen's...millionth I think).
Pre-race last year, armed with hand warmers.
As was the case this year, last year a few days before the race, I went for a training run in summer gear. Come race day, snow was in the forecast, and I was faced with the task of figuring out how many layers I could stand to run 13.1 miles in.
It turned out I had a great race. Here's hoping this year looks like:
...and ESPECIALLY this. WOOO!
After Mother Nature dumps 12-20 inches of snow on New York, the race day forecast is calling for a gray and balmy high of 39 degrees. Cool.
I can handle it as long as all of the corners are cleared of the black, slushy corners of icy indeterminate depths (and death) I remember from my college years.
Without further adieu, here are the songs I am hoping will get me through the race and victorious with a PR. Just remember -- no workout playlist of mine is complete without "Pony."