Vermont: A Long Weekend in Killington

This past long weekend, Mike and I ventured up north to Killington, VT to meet friends and ski our butts off. And by ski our butts off, I mean that I fell on my ass so many times that I may no longer have a butt.

Approximation of events.

Besides flailing down a mountain and drinking hot toddies in the hot tub, we also visited some local establishments like the Wobbly Barn, Casey's Caboose, Pickle Barrel, and the Foundry.

A sticker found in every place we went. I guess it's accurate?

Fun fact: every single place has a live band and we couldn't hear each other talk. Please work on that, Killington. 

We lucked out and got snow (or "freshies" as our friend, Niall likes to say) one night and that made for some pretty decent conditions over the weekend.

We woke up to this view on Saturday.

Unfortunately, it seemed like everyone else on the East Coast had the same idea we did. and the mountain was crowded AF. One day we waited over an hour just to get onto a lift.

Still, we had a great time! Check out our trip...



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