All Over: Coronacation, All I Never Wanted
What a time to have a travel blog, amirite?
Unless you are living under a rock, you probably know by now that the whole world is basically shutting down to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus, COVID-19, which is highly contagious, insidious, and deadly to boomers and immunocompromised folks.
It fucking sucks.
And before I get to the real point of this post (how to quell your wanderlust while you’re stuck at home), first a rant about social distancing. PEOPLE. OMG, just do it, OK?! Stop being assholes. If you’re not worried about getting it because you’re young and healthy, that’s great, but what about those around you who are not as young and healthy? What if they have to get to the grocery store or they still have to work? You know, some of these people are the healthcare workers who will be taking care of your sorry ass, so do everyone a favor, get over yourself, and stay home. STAY THE FUCK HOME.
Look, I get it. It’s a bummer to not be able to go out when the weather is starting to warm up. It sucks to not be able to go out to a bar or restaurant. It’s no fun not getting to see your friends or family. But if we all just cooperate, hopefully this period of time will be shorter and less people will get sick and die. YES, DIE. So stop being sad you had to stay inside on St. Patrick’s Day (I hope you did. If you didn’t, I judge you). We’re all making sacrifices, OK? I have dear friends and family who currently have no incomes. My mom continues to go work in a hospital. On a smaller scale, this coming weekend we canceled my bachelorette and shower. And yes, my fucking wedding is up in the air. IT DOESN’T FEEL GREAT. But that’s life, so just be a baseline decent human being, wash your fucking hands, and STAY AWAY FROM OTHER PEOPLE.
How, having gotten that off my chest, I’ll acknowledge social distancing isn’t easy. In many instances, it’s downright heartbreaking, but this is all already a bummer, so I won’t give examples. I fully acknowledge it’s not great for our mental health.
To that end, I’ve rounded up some suggestions for using the internet to boost your spirits as a travel lover.
Virtual Museum Tours
Here is a photo I took at D’Orsay, because I am nothing if not mature. #football #meatwad
You know by now that Jen and I love museuming on our trips. I got engaged in a museum. MUSEUMS ARE GREAT. And now some very smart people have finagled bringing some of our favorite museums to your coach. Spend a morning taking in art and culture from around the world without suffering leg and foot fatigue. Thanks to Google Arts & Culture, you can check out over 2,500 museums from around the world, including our favorite Paris museum, Musée D’Orsay; my study abroad neighbor in Florence, the Uffizi Gallery; the Met in NYC, a place I’ve never been able to see all of despite having been more times than I can count; the Tate Modern, in London, possibly my favorite museum anywhere; and more. This is SO good.
Virtual National Park Tours
Jen’s been to Bryce and now you can go too. Minus horses.
If being outside is more your thing and you’re hurting for lack of nature, Google Arts & Culture also has five virtual national park tours to offer. Visit the Kenai Fjords of Alaska, Hawaii’s volcanos, the Carlsbad Caverns of New Mexico, Bryce Canyon in Utah, and Dry Tortugas in Florida. Bonus: Seeing these places while in a climate-controlled environment. ;)
Hashtag Jetlag Playlists
I’m told music is a mood booster. Once upon a time I used to listen to it. Then Donald Trump got elected and I got addicted to news podcasts. JK, I still listen to music sometimes, and if you’re looking for some travel-themed jamz, look no further than the Hashtag Jetlag catalogue.
Supporting Your Hometown
I shutter to think of Hampden losing its creepy charm.
Something else we love? Our hometowns. Economics is *not* my thing because math, but it’s not hard to understand that is everything is closed, no one is making any money and no one is spending any money. But mortgages and rent must still be made, groceries still need to be bought, and basic needs must be taken care of. So if you’re in the position to do so, think about buying gift cards to your favorite local restaurants and small businesses to keep them afloat until they can reopen. You can either gift those gift cards or use them yourself when the time comes, but you’ll be keeping their cash flowing (or trickling at least) in the meantime.
Eye Candy
Welp, we’re no Google Arts & Culture, but we do have a pretty sweet collection of galleries from our travels. You can find them by clicking on the “Pictures” tab above. Also don’t forget to follow us on Instagram for a daily dose of travelgrams.
Times are tough. Tough, sucky, and weird. But we’re in this together. How are you protecting your mental health? Where will you travel when the world is free of the Virus Who Shall Not Be Named?
Stay safe and healthy,